Veterinarian Ash, with seven years of experience under her belt, has shared some lesser-known dietary tips for dog owners on her TikTok account @dogmommie1. In a recent post, she highlighted five foods that could help address common canine issues.
However, she emphasised that this advice is general and pet owners should consult their vet for personalised guidance.
For dogs suffering from bad breath, which can be a sign of intestinal problems, Ash recommends incorporating apples into their diet. She claims that apples can detoxify the digestive system, significantly improving breath odour.
The Blue Cross also endorses apples as a beneficial addition to a dog’s diet, citing their rich content of vitamins A and C, as well as dietary fibre. They also suggest that apples can contribute to dental hygiene and freshen breath.
However, they caution owners to remove the core and seeds before feeding apples to their pets, as the seeds release a small amount of cyanide when chewed.
Ash further highlights the benefits of corn for dogs, stating it’s “packed with linoleic acid which they need but can’t produce naturally”, and is “key for a healthy, shiny coat” and to prevent itchy skin. Vets Now supports this, affirming that sweetcorn, when removed from the cob, is a nutritious choice for dogs due to its protein, natural antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and energy content. However, they caution against feeding dogs corn on the cob due to potential injury risks.
In addition to corn, Ash suggests organic yoghurt as a low-calorie option that keeps dogs satiated and aids in alleviating “doggy constipation”. Purina Nutritionist Karina Carbo-Johnson, MS, concurs, recommending “plain or non-fat plain” yoghurt without sweeteners or preservatives for dogs due to its calcium and protein content. She warns against yoghurts containing xylitol or any flavoured varieties.
Lastly, Ash advocates for carrots as part of a dog’s diet, citing their ability to “reduce cataracts in ageing dogs” and “clear out toxins and bring back sweet, fresh breath”. The Blue Cross echoes this sentiment, endorsing carrots as a high-fibre, low-calorie snack that doubles as a natural dental stick for dogs.
Wrapping things up, Ash highlighted the benefits of blueberries for dogs, stating they’re “packed with antioxidants that slow down ageing in dogs” and can “boost their immune system like crazy”. In agreement, Purina points out blueberries aren’t toxic to our four-legged friends.
In fact, these little berries are a beneficial snack, packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, and K, offering both health perks and a delicious treat for pups.
All these items should be consumed in small amounts, as feeding them too much could cause gastrointestinal upset and diarrhoea. Always speak to a vet if you’re unsure about what you can feed your dog, as all breeds vary.
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