The model for medium-sized dogs has a track that measures 16″ wide and can support up to 300 pounds. The overall dimensions are 55.1” high, 22.8” wide, and 68.9” long.
Promising reviews: “Love it! Been shopping for a dog slatmill for a long time. Was worried about the low price compared to others, but happy with the quality. Comes with a couple of extra wood slats just in case. Instructions could use some more details, but assembly was very easy, and also secure. Very secure metal and bolts make me excited when I train my dog up to running on it.” —Max
“Love the treadmill, super easy to build by myself and my dogs love it so far. Only thing I would change is for the slats to be made of hardwood rather than softwood to last longer but otherwise, it’s a wonderful product and worth the money! I am enjoying it more than the electric one I already have.” —Ashley
Get it from Wayfair for $469.99 (originally $1.019.99+; available in two sizes).
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