CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) – Summer is a great time to get outside and connect with nature, but your pets might disagree.
Rising temperatures can cause serious health issues for dogs.
“Most of the heat issues we see with dogs are easily avoidable,” Doctor John Andersen with Monticello Animal Hospital said. “I think most of it comes down to just this disconnect where the dogs don’t complain about the heat, until they’re seeing stars and about to pass out.”
As a veterinarian, Dr. John Andersen sees an increase in pet visits during the summer.
“They call it the dog days of summer for a reason. The dog should just be lying around for most of the day,” Dr. Andersen said.
A trip to Dr. Andersen’s office might be due to snake bites, injuries, and now heat.
“French bulldogs, bulldogs, pugs, dogs with these very short faces. and they have very narrow airways, the dogs make a lot of these snoring noises. Dogs don’t sweat they pant to cool down. so the short-faced dogs are already at a big disadvantage for exchanging heat,” Dr. Andersen said.
The CASPCA is taking measures by keeping dogs inside in air-conditioned kennels and limiting their outside time.
“When it gets to a certain level of temperature, we do start closing them in into the air-conditioned areas,” CASPCA Digital Marketer Lauren Krohn said. “Half of the kennel is inside and then half of them is outside so that they can get fresh air during those nice days. But sometimes the weather prohibits that, and we just keep them in the AC,” Krohn said.
Symptoms to look out for are excessive panting and a reddened tongue.
Dr. Andersen says you can use a hose to cool down your pet but always call a vet.
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