The Bear and Webelo dens of Cub Scout Pack 190 recently completed a service project to benefit the Brown County Humane Society. They crafted an assortment of handmade cat toys and a dog house as part of an adventure in learning about their community and citizenship.
Pack members visited the humane society on Saturday, Jan. 11, and met with the shelter manager, Caity Friedersdorf, to deliver their donation and meet some of the cats and dogs that are looking for homes.
Each year Cub Scouts learn important lessons about the outdoors, personal safety, personal fitness, family and reverence, and citizenship. Boy Scouts of America describes the citizenship adventure as follows:
“This adventure is about America and the powerful symbols that represent the best of our country and how communities come together to help solve problems they are facing. Citizenship in America is about participation. One way to show citizenship is by making an impact locally through nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit organizations are a place for people to give their time, talents, and resources to make a difference in their community. You, too, can make an impact by participating in a service project that makes your community a better place.”
After learning about several local nonprofits, the kids decided to complete a service project to benefit the Brown County Humane Society.
Cub Scout Pack 190 meets Monday evenings at the Nashville United Methodist Church, 36 S. Jefferson St.
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