ONLY ON KTTC: Former owners of seized Fillmore County dogs speak out

FILLMORE COUNTY, Minn. (KTTC) – Elham Anderson now walks around her empty Le Roy area farm that she says was once full of life.

“We want them back; they have to come home,” Elham Anderson said.

Elham and Donald Anderson went to authorities in February after several of their dogs had gotten sick and died. The Andersons say they suspect a neighbor who they do not have a good relationship with, poisoned the dogs.

“He died between my arms, and I didn’t know what’s going on, my baby,” Elham Anderson recounted.

Out of precaution, the Andersons explained they stopped letting the dogs out at night to protect the dogs from the alleged poisoning.

“I do not keep them all the time there. I only keep them in the night locked in but the dogs when they are sick, they are going to have effect from the poison,” Elham said.

When investigators came the next day, what they found was concerning. According to court documents, the dogs and their living conditions were caked with urine and feces.

The Anderson’s admit this was not the dogs normal living conditions.

“I don’t think there’s anybody that doesn’t think that has anything to do with us would to give her anything but an ‘A’ for caring for her dogs,” Donald Anderson said.

A veterinarian determined the dogs were malnourished.

The Andersons say they asked for help, but authorities decided it was best for all 16 dogs to be taken away.

“When you call 911, you expect help. You don’t expect to get a caravan from over 100 miles away coming to load it up, load up all your dogs,” Donald Anderson said.

Friend Nina Jorgenson says the seizure was a shock to her.

“We’d come, two or three dogs would always be in the yard. They’ll be running, playing, goofing around, whatever healthy,” Jorgenson said.

The court ordered the dogs not be returned and they have found new homes, but the Andersons say they will not give up.

The Andersons are back in court on August 13. KTTC reached out to the Fillmore County Attorney for comment, with no response received as of Wednesday evening.

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