New Study Reveals Dogs Use Blinking to Communicate

Dogs have long been known for their ability to communicate through body language, using tail wags, ear movements, and facial expressions to express emotions. But new research suggests that even a simple blink might carry meaning.

A study led by Chiara Canori, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Parma, indicates that dogs may use blinking as a social signal—especially when interacting with other dogs and possibly even with humans.

A Closer Look At Canine Blinking

To explore whether dogs use blinking as a form of communication, researchers conducted an experiment with 54 pet dogs. Each dog, accompanied by their owner, watched a series of video clips featuring other dogs performing different facial expressions, including blinking, nose-licking, and maintaining an attentive stillness.

Between each segment, the dogs were given short breaks to reset their attention. Meanwhile, researchers monitored their heart rates, looking for physiological signs of emotional engagement.

Surprisingly, while their heart rates remained steady—indicating no major stress responses—the dogs blinked more frequently when watching other canines blink compared to other facial expressions.

The Power Of Mimicry

The increase in blinking suggests a form of mimicry, a behavior seen in many social animals, including humans. Similar to how yawning can be contagious among people, blinking may be part of a subconscious synchronization in social interactions.

Humans tend to synchronize blinks during conversations, often blinking at the same time as their conversation partners. This natural mirroring helps with social bonding, and researchers suspect dogs may exhibit a similar phenomenon.

In previous studies, blinking in dogs has been linked to appeasement signals, indicating non-aggressive intentions and a desire for social harmony.

Does Blinking Reveal Emotion?

The study published in Royal Societ Open Science provides strong evidence that blinking plays a role in dog communication, its exact meaning remains unclear. Since heart rates did not fluctuate significantly, the behavior is unlikely to be linked to stress or excitement.

However, previous research has associated frequent blinking with frustration in furry friends. This suggests that context plays a key role—just as humans blink more when tired or stressed, dogs may use blinking for different emotional expressions depending on the situation.

The idea isn’t far-fetched. Cats, for instance, use slow blinking to signal affection and trust, a behavior many pet owners recognize as a “kitty kiss.”

Could man’s best friend have their own version of this? While more research is needed, this study strengthens the idea that blinking is more than just an involuntary reflex—it might be an intentional part of their social toolkit.

What This Means For Dog Owners?

For dog owners, this discovery raises an intriguing possibility: your dog might be trying to communicate with you through blinking. While it’s too early to interpret what each blink means, paying closer attention to when and how your dog blinks could offer new insights into their emotional state.

Some experts suggest experimenting with slow blinking toward your dog to observe their reaction. If blinking truly serves as a bonding tool, a calm, gentle blink from an owner may help reassure their pet—just as it does in feline communication.

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