In a heartwarming Christmas miracle, a Florida family was reunited with their beloved German Shepherd, Athena, on Christmas Eve. Athena had gone missing from her Green Cove Springs home on December 15, leaving her family in distress. The Comer family launched a widespread search effort to find their missing dog, Athena. They distributed physical and digital flyers, meticulously reviewed hours of doorbell camera footage, and combed through their neighbourhood with the assistance of dozens of community members.
The search extended beyond their local community, with residents from nearby Jacksonville and Saint Augustine also joining in to help locate the lost dog. After a week-long search, the family had almost lost hope of being reunited with their pet before the holidays.
However, in a stunning turn of events, Athena surprisingly returned home on Christmas Eve, and the emotional reunion was captured on camera, the New York Post reported.
In an incredible display of canine ingenuity, Athena walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell, triggering the doorbell camera. The family’s four young children, who had been devastated by Athena’s disappearance, were overjoyed to hear the commotion and rushed to join in the heartfelt reunion.
“It was about 2:30 a.m. when she was ringing on the doorbell and pawing on the door. This was Christmas Eve morning. I woke up from it and saw her on the ring camera,” Athena’s owner, Brooke Comer of Green Cove Springs, told WJAX.
“Since it was 2:30 AM, I tried to not wake up the kids, but they did wake up from the excitement,” Ms Comer continued.
Athena, a lovable German Shepherd-Husky mix, was overjoyed to be reunited with her family just in time for Christmas, making the holiday season even more special and memorable for the Comers.
“She has not stopped whining or howling since she’s come home She’s definitely found her voice now,” Ms Comer added.
The family now plans to have the dog microchipped and spayed in the new year to prevent further disappearances.
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