CLEVELAND, Ohio – Does your dog have one of the most popular names in Cuyahoga County? Now you can find out.
Below is a database from and The Plain Dealer distilling over 52,000 dog licenses from Cuyahoga County in 2024 into just the top 500 names.
The most popular name is Bella, with 598 dogs bearing this name. Iterations like Belle, Isabella and Annabelle also made the list.
Related: What are the top 10 dog names in Cuyahoga County for 2024?
To make the list, at least 17 dogs in the county had to share the same name on their dog license.
To search for your dog, use the “Search in table” bar in the upper left portion of the chart below. As you type in characters, names will appear that fit the parameters. Users can also scroll through 27 pages of dog names to get an idea of what to call their next furry friend.
Some readers may need to use this link to see the chart of dog names below.
Zachary Smith is the data reporter for You can reach him at
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