I have been a bag lover from the minute I could walk, to be honest. Once I hit my teens, one of my biggest wish list purchases was a Chanel 2.55 quilted handbag, and many years later, it’s still my dream.
I have upped my game over the years, saving and treating myself to a designer piece of arm candy when I can (which sadly isn’t as often as I would like.) It’s a huge joy, and I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that handbags are very similar to works of art. You may laugh, but they are nearly always handmade, from the most exquisite materials and what’s more, if looked after properly, they never lose their value. Many would suggest putting your money where the bags are instead of the stock market.
That being said, the most famous bag of all time has to be the Hermès Birkin. It is instantly recognisable with its structured, almost briefcase-like design and screams understated, old money vibes. They start from around £25,000 new and are huge on the preloved market.
I was very lucky to borrow the Birkin 35 in a bright blue – the very same style that Hailey Bieber has – from Luxe Cheshire, a premium online store that carries a huge array of designer handbags, including an impressive selection of Birkins.
As soon as I opened the show-stopping, iconic orange box, I was in love. Even though the bag was preowned, it was in truly elite condition; you would never know it was secondhand.
The classic design looked incredible and it was very easy to style into my wardrobe – it looked great alongside jeans and leggings. It pepped up and elevated my existing look to the first degree in seconds.
But I must confess, I was so nervous using it. This particular bag was worth over £10k secondhand, and I felt quite exposed whilst carrying it.
What if I got mugged?
I went to Five Guys and gave the bag its own seat, almost like I was its bodyguard. I headed to M&S for my weekly food shop, and I just couldn’t relax. But was that just because I knew what kind of bag it was? Would the average person know, or quite frankly, even care?
Heck, I even rather comically gave the bag a seat belt covering in my car. Yes, I was joking, but I felt safer knowing I wouldn’t get dirt on it.
Why are preloved Birkins still so expensive?
The experts at Luxe Cheshire explain: “The Hermès Birkin bags resell at premium prices for many reasons.
“Firstly, the bags are extremely hard to get hold of and are only available via appointment with customers working hard over many years to build a relationship with the brand in order to be seen to invest in hopes of getting the chance.
“This is why over the last few years there has been a significant influx in the pre-loved market as the resale of these items supports both the demand as well as quality.”
Is the Birkin an investment?
The high-end website explains: “The Hermès Birkin is the most desirable piece on the market as it is not only an investment with the value increasing by an average of 14.2% each year but also a status symbol. These beautiful, handcrafted bags range in size, leather, colours and hardware with current trends determining price points on the resale market.
“However, the B30 in black togo with gold hardware is never shy of first place on most people’s wishlists.”
The history of the Birkin
Luxe Cheshire has a huge celebrity clientele. They gave us a lowdown on the history of the world’s most famous bag. “The Birkin was named after actress Jane Birkin following a chance encounter with the CEO Jean-Louis Dumas on a flight from Paris to London in 1983. These stunning works of art are handmade in France, featuring iconic hallmarks all performed by a single artisan who is trained for five years before creating a bag that can take between 18-40 hours to complete.”
Is it easy to spot a fake?
“For those who have spent time around these masterpieces, identifying a fake can be rather obvious with the feel of the leather, shade of the hardware, the proportions, stitching, stamps and overall quality being huge giveaways.”
Did I like carrying around the bag? Of course. As a fashion editor, I write about clothes, bags and accessories every day, and they don’t come more elite than a Birkin. I was genuinely in awe of it and what’s more, made up to even touch one!
I think the preloved market is a great place to go if you do have the surplus cash to treat yourself. Also, as explained, bags like this will always carry extreme value and can be passed down through generations. Personally, I was hugely concerned about carrying it in public and really got anxious about it getting stolen. But if you can let that go, have your wits about you and have great insurance, why not?
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