How many dogs and cats live in Neenah and Appleton? Annual licenses provide a clue

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Reader question: How many dogs are in Neenah? They seem to be everywhere.

Answer: This is a difficult question to answer because there is no census for canines as there is for people.

The best I could do was to check how many dogs were licensed in Neenah. The city requires that all dogs and cats over 5 months of age be licensed annually. The license costs $8 for spayed or neutered dogs and cats and $13 for unaltered dogs and cats. There is a $5 late fee if it is purchased after April 1. The license requires proof of a valid rabies vaccination.

In the past five years, Neenah has licensed an average of 1,280 dogs and 256 cats annually. The yearly totals are listed below.

  • 2024: 1,192 dogs and 273 cats
  • 2023: 1,285 dogs and 260 cats
  • 2022: 1,305 dogs and 256 cats
  • 2021: 1,360 dogs and 243 cats
  • 2020: 1,256 dogs and 250 cats

Neenah had an estimated population of 27,902 people in 2024, so that’s roughly one dog for every 23 people and one cat for every 102 people.

From my observations, that seems low. Either owners are unaware of the requirement to license dogs and cats, or they are willfully ignoring the ordinance. The fine for violating the ordinance is $124.

Neenah Finance Director Vicky Rasmussen, whose department handles pet licenses, came to the same conclusion.

“I’m sure there are a lot more pets out there than what we have licenses for,” Rasmussen said.

I requested the numbers for Appleton as a comparison. It, too, requires a license for dogs and cats, though the fees are less: $6 for spayed or neutered dogs and cats and $11 for unaltered dogs and cats.

In the past five years, Appleton has licensed an average of 2,537 dogs and 628 cats annually.

  • 2024: 2,221 dogs and 554 cats
  • 2023: 2,550 dogs and 587 cats
  • 2022: 2,328 dogs and 608 cats
  • 2021: 2,768 dogs and 662 cats
  • 2020: 2,816 dogs and 729 cats

With a 2024 population of 76,423, that’s about one dog for every 34 people and one cat for every 138 people in Appleton.

Using those metrics, Neenah has more dogs and cats per person than Appleton. Either that or Neenah residents are more obedient than Appleton residents about obtaining the required licenses.

Watchdog Q&A: Duke Behnke answers your local government questions

Neenah’s revenue from pet licenses averaged $12,918 annually in the past five years. Rasmussen said the money is used to cover or offset the cost of the licenses and tags, administrative expenses and animal control.

The city contracts with the nonprofit Neenah Animal Shelter to hold stray animals. The 2025 contract costs $25,000 for the first 250 animals and $70 per animal after that.

Appleton’s revenue from pet licenses averaged $15,230 annually in the past five years. Police Lt. Meghan Cash said the money goes into the city’s general fund.

Post-Crescent reporter Duke Behnke answers your questions about local government. Send questions to or call him at 920-993-7176.

The Favicon for the website, dogsandpurses(dot)com, features an all-black background with a minimalist line drawing of a puppy's head poking out of a stylish purse. The puppy's head is drawn with a cute and friendly expression, making it the focal point of the design. The purse, which the puppy is emerging from, is depicted with clean, elegant lines. The contrast between the black background and the white line drawing creates a striking and modern look for the Favicon.
Dogs and Purses Favicon



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