Bengaluru breeder splurges ₹50 crore on world’s most expensive half-wolf, half-dog

Bengaluru breeder splurges 50 crore on world’s most expensive half-wolf, half-dog

Mar 19, 2025 10:56 AM IST

A Bengaluru-based breeder has shelled out a staggering sum to acquire a cross between a wolf and a dog.

A Bengaluru-based breeder has shelled out a staggering sum to acquire a cross between a wolf and a dog. S Satish spent 4.4 million pounds (or 50 crore approximately) to buy an extremely rare “wolfdog,” The Sun has reported.

Satish, 51, with his half-wolf and half-dog.(Instagram/@satishcadaboms)
Satish, 51, with his half-wolf and half-dog.(Instagram/@satishcadaboms)

The wolfdog – believed to be the first of its kind – is a cross between an actual wolf and a Caucasian Shepherd. Named Cadaboms Okami, it was sold to Sathish in February.

About the wolfdog

Cadaboms Okami was born in the United States. At just eight months old, he already weighs more than 75 kilograms and eats 3 kg of raw meat every day.

The pooch is a cross between a wolf and a Caucasian Shepherd. Caucasian Shepherds are massive, powerful guard dogs known for their protective nature, thick fur, and origins in the Caucasus Mountains, where they were bred to defend livestock from predators.

“He is an extremely rare breed of dog and looks exactly like a wolf. This breed has not been sold in the world before,” Satish was quoted as saying by The Sun.

“The dog was bred in the US and is extraordinary. I spent 50 million rupees on buying this pup because I am fond of dogs and like to own unique dogs and introduce them to India,” said the 51-year-old president of the Indian Dog Breeders Association.

Already, the wolfdog has become a sensation in Karnataka, where he has attended several high-profile events with Satish.

Satish stopped breeding dogs about a decade ago but now makes a substantial income simply by showcasing his rare breeds to eager audiences. He claims he can make around 25,000 for just a 30-minute appearance.

“I spent money on these dogs because they are rare. Besides, I get enough money because people are always curious to see them,” he says. “They take selfies and pictures. My dog and I get more attention than an actor at a movie screening, we both are crowd-pullers.”

Cadaboms Okami, the famous wolfdog, lives on a 7-acre farm with Satish’s other dogs. Each dog has a 20ft by 20ft room and plenty of space to run around, says the Bengaluru breeder.

“There is enough space for them to walk and run. There are six people to look after them. They don’t need air conditioner as the weather in the city is cool but they are well taken care of

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