A parade of dogs: Nearly all Iditarod teams have reached Manley

MANLEY, Alaska (KTUU) – With the first 52 miles of the 1,128-mile journey behind them, Iditarod teams are making their way to their next checkpoint after crossing Nenana off their list.

Next up, at the 137-mile mark of the race, is checkpoint Manley for Iditarod teams.

Early Tuesday morning, wearing bib #2, Jason Mackey led the way to Manley, arriving at the checkpoint at 6:33 a.m. Tuesday. Mackey also was the first to hit Nenana Monday evening.

“I literally haven’t thought about nothing else but what’s in front of me, so that’s nice because leading up to the start, it’s hectic, to say the least, it’s hectic,” Mackey said. “It’s nice to get out on the trail and just get away from everything.”

Mackey was followed by Ryan Redington, who won the race back in 2023. He is one of the two past Iditarod champions racing this year.

Redington, who arrived just before 8:30 a.m., wasted no time at the checkpoint and was quickly off again. Meanwhile, Mackey took just under a six-hour rest.

By noon, more than half of the teams had reached the Manley checkpoint.

The next checkpoint, Tanana, will get mushers just over the 200-mile mark in the race.

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