EUFAULA, Ala. (WTVY) – A bill to protect dogs is being introduced by one Alabama state representative.
It comes as we inch closer to the start of the legislative session.
An example of why that representative is pushing for this law happened in this area just last week.
Dottie is a dog Eufaula Animal Control found last week.
Behind her sweet demeanor, she holds the scars of cruel treatment that Representative Phillip Ensler (D-Montgomery) wants to put an end to.
Near the end of last week with snow still on the ground, Southern Souls Animal League had an emergency intake from animal control—that intake being Dottie.
“He said, ‘We have a dog that is tied to a fence and it has an embedded collar and it needs help immediately,’“ Anna Shepard with Southern Souls said.
They believe Dottie may have been tied to the fence during the snowstorm based on the severity of her injury.
Cases like this are happening throughout the state, prompting action from lawmakers.
“Animals are God’s creatures and we should treat them in a humane way,” Rep. Ensler said.
Ensler is a long-time dog lover who said furry friends hold a special place in his heart.
After support from animal advocates, Rep. Ensler is drafting a law to bring new standards for owners who keep their dogs outside and tethered for long periods.
“We are looking at that, it would be a criminal offense. It is not something that people would face a ton of prison or incarceration time; it is something that judges will have leeway to decide on, whether it is a fine or a pre-trial diversion program,“ Ensler said.
Shepard is glad to hear lawmakers are taking an interest in helping our four-legged friends.
“We see it yearly with embedded collars because they get put in the yard and forgotten. Part of it is education, they are not educated. So if they are forced by law to make changes, then that will encourage them to educate themselves,” Shepard said.
Dottie is doing well and will soon be ready to adopt.
As for the bill, it is expected to be filed next week when the Alabama legislative session begins.
Shepard hopes this will inspire cities throughout the state to adopt ordinances like Eufaula’s no tethering ordinance.
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