It’s time for Arkansas to replace outdated, breed-specific bans on certain pets with effective evidence-based policies that truly enhance public safety. After all, everyone wants safe communities for our families and our pets. The breed bans in place do nothing to protect Arkansans, but they do plenty to mislead you and infringe on your rights.
Beyond being ineffective, breed-specific bans also infringe on Arkansans’ basic property rights. In America, responsible dog owners who follow the rules should have the freedom to own whatever breed of dog they choose. That’s why 22 states have already prohibited breed-based restrictions — recognizing that these bans violate the rights of law-abiding people.
The simple truth behind the science is that breed alone is not a factor in determining a dog’s behavior. Studies show that reckless owners — not the breed of the dog — are the real threat to public safety. Bad owners lead to poorly trained, dangerous dogs, and that puts everyone at risk.
Organizations like the American Veterinary Medical Association, the National Animal Control Association, the International Municipal Lawyers Association and even the American Bar Association agree breed-specific laws and restrictions don’t work. Instead, these groups support laws that address the real problem — the behavior of individual dogs and their owners.
The best public-safety policies focus on accountability and responsibility. Effective laws regulate dangerous dogs regardless of breed, require sterilization of nuisance dogs (since studies show unneutered male dogs are involved in the majority of bite cases), and hold negligent owners accountable for their actions.
Pit bull terriers, one of the breeds most often targeted by these laws, are just as safe and gentle as any other dog when given a loving home. According to the American Temperament Test Society, pit bulls score higher on temperament tests than breeds like golden retrievers or border collies. They have long been known as loyal and affectionate companions, earning them the nickname “America’s dog.”
Blaming an entire breed for the actions of a few reckless owners is not only unjust, it’s ineffective. It punishes responsible pet owners and innocent dogs while failing to address the root of the problem.
Arkansas has an opportunity to join the growing number of states that have moved beyond breed specific restrictions. By replacing breed-specific restrictions with breed-neutral, behavior-based policies, we can create safer communities for everyone. This approach emphasizes:
Public Safety: Identifying individual dangerous dogs based on behavior, not appearance.
Personal Responsibility: Holding irresponsible owners accountable for their actions.
Fairness: Respecting Arkansans’ property rights while prioritizing humane treatment of all animals.
Ending breed-specific bans doesn’t mean compromising on safety. It means creating smarter, more effective laws that protect people and pets alike. Scientific studies, legal experts, and animal service agencies all agree breed-specific bans are outdated, ineffective and unjust. Instead of punishing innocent dogs and their responsible owners based on stereotypes, let’s hold negligent owners accountable for their behavior and create policies that truly make our communities safer.
Arkansas has the chance to lead with fairness, compassion and common sense. Let’s end breed-specific bans and embrace solutions that work for everyone — two-legged and four-legged alike.
Michelle Logan is executive director of the Northwest Arkansas Pet Resource Center and Best Friends Animal Society. Eric Swafford is legislation and campaign strategy director for Best Friends Animal Society.
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