MUSKEGON, Mich. — The gray hair around Cruiser’s muzzle is a sign of aging.
But don’t let that fool you he still has a lot of life left to live.
“Every animal deserves a chance, and I mean, imagine if it was yours. You wouldn’t want people to walk past their kennel because of their age,” Alexis Robertson, Big Lake Humane Society Executive Director, said.
Robertson first met Cruiser back in 2016.
“So the week that I started, we partnered with Detroit Animal Control. We went over there and pulled some dogs that were up for euthanasia. Cruiser, at the time, was only about eight months old,” Robertson said.
As adorable as he was, unfortunately, Cruiser would spend the next four years at the shelter.

“He’s an incredible dog, but black dogs stay longer in shelters. Pit bulls stay longer, and large breed dogs stay longer. So he has all three of those going against him,” Robertson said.
Cruiser was a standout star of the short-lived prison pup partnership and went on to pass the Good Canine Citizen test.
“The most successful things that came out of that program was getting to see him go home. And he has been in that home for just over four years now,” Robertson said.
Sadly, Cruiser’s happily ever after ended when his owners unexpectedly passed away.
“He had to come back into our shelter and while we’re all thrilled to see him, it is sad getting him back and feeling like we’re starting over with him,” Robertson said.
Now about eight years old Cruiser is still well trained.
Staff at the shelter call him an energetic old man.
“In his younger days, he was a bit more rambunctious, but he’s definitely calmed down. He’s going to be somebody’s couch potato,” Robertson said.
Cruiser needs a home without young children or other animals.
A family that will take him on walks and long car rides.

“Getting outside of your comfort zone of what you think your ideal pet is, and understanding your lifestyle and what would actually fit it best. You may be surprised at the matches,” Robertson said.
Cruiser is looking for his perfect match and the chance to spend the rest of his life with a forever family.
If you are interested in applying to adopt Cruiser click, here.
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