Thinking of selling a designer bag? eBay is making it easier than ever

For my 21st birthday, I was lucky enough to be treated to a designer handbag as a present from all my family. I had long drooled over the tote but was unwilling to sell a kidney to make it mine. It was the perfect gift.

Fast forward a few years and I’ve used the bag only a handful of times. Originally, I was nervous to damage it so kept it hidden away in my wardrobe, safely tucked in its dust bag. On the few occasions I took it out, I found it just a tad too small to manage all my necessities – because yes, I must carry at least four lip products at once. Combine that with my changing taste and new fashion trends catching my eye, I decided it was time to part with my bag.

Rather than dealing with the admin of listing it on a bag rental site, I decided to sell it on a second-hand shopping site. After all, part of implementing more sustainable shopping habits includes how you dispose of your old items. But how do I make sure I get the true value of my practically perfect-condition bag? And what about ensuring buyers know it’s genuine?

Enter eBay UK’s new consignment service that gives users like me direct access to expert sellers who will list and sell my designer items on my behalf.

Launched in partnership with pre-loved luxury reseller Luxe Collective, specialists in selling coveted pre-owned luxury goods, the service is currently focusing exclusively on designer handbags with eligible brands including Bottega Veneta, Chloé, Fendi, Loewe and Miu Miu, to list a few. The UK rollout follows success in the US with the same service, where items sold through eBay consignment are seeing significantly higher final sale prices. A small quilted Chanel 19 flap bag sold for over 45% more than the average sales price for similar bags on the marketplace.

So what does it entail you, as a seller, do? Well, actually very little. Simply fill out a consignment intake form that asks just a few questions and send your bag off to eBay with the provided prepaid, insured shipping label. Then eBay and Luxe Collective handle the item’s photography, pricing and listing. Once the item sells, the user and Luxe Collective receive the proceeds from the sale, with the user receiving a majority percentage based on the item’s selling price.

But it’s not all about sellers, the consignment service benefits buyers, too. There’s nothing worse than coming across a listing for your dream bag, only to scroll through blurry photos or deal with unresponsive sellers who fail to send you dimensions. Operating in conjunction with eBay’s Authenticity Guarantee takes all the anxiety of buying a designer bag, because let’s be honest – it is an investment and something you don’t want to take lightly.

“At Luxe Collective, we’ve always focused on making luxury more accessible – and partnering with eBay UK on their Consignment service is a big step in that direction. Selling your designer handbags can be a hassle, but we’re here to handle everything, from photography to pricing, so you don’t have to,” Ben Gallagher, co-founder of Luxe Collective told Cosmopolitan UK.

“Whether it’s a Chanel or Louis Vuitton sitting in your closet, the consignment service makes selling simple and ensures you get great value. Plus, by helping other luxury lovers on eBay, you’re giving them the chance to find their dream items. We’re excited to see more pre-loved luxury on the platform and to help people clear space or fund their next fashion find by selling their luxury handbags.”

Happy shopping!

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Headshot of Alexandria Dale

Alexandria Dale is Digital Fashion Writer at Cosmopolitan & Women’s Health UK. Covering everything from the celebrity style moments worth knowing about to the latest fashion news, there’s nothing she loves more than finding a high street dupe of a must-have designer item. As well as discovering new brands, she’s passionate about sustainable fashion and establishing the trends that are actually worth investing in. Having worked in fashion journalism for six years, she has experience at both digital and print publications including Glamour and Ok! 

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