Designer bags typically come with designer-style price tags. That’s why when you find a good price on a quality bag, you need to move quickly before it’s gone. has a Michael Kors Charlotte Handbag Tote in Vanilla on sale for $82.92, a savings of $255.08 off the regular price of $338. Made of PVC and Leather, the bag features brown detailing with the iconic Michael Kors logo print canvas in the center with an MK charm hangtag.
The bag is roomy to use as a tote for a variety of needs with an exterior pocket to hold phones, keys and more.
There are other color options for different prices, ranging from Black Signature for $89.99 to Tea, a bright vibrant pink color, for $119.
You can see all the options here.
If you’re looking for a smaller Michael Kors bag, check out the Women’s Jet Set Large East West Chain Crossbody Bag in Black. Regularly $243, it’s on sale for $62, a savings of $181. Featuring Saffiano leather and metal-toned hardware with a black slip pocket and large padded tech pocket.
It comes in a variety of colors as well, ranging from Pale Ocean for $113 to Vanilla and Powder Blush for $64.99.
You can see all the options here.
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