RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – The 4th of July means firework season, but while you are out celebrating your canine companions may be worrying.
The team at the Humane Society of the Black Hills gave some tips on how to prepare dogs for this stressful time of year. Executive director Jerry Steinley says the top tip is to wear your pups out before the fireworks begin.
”Wear them out during the day. So get them out and run them, walk them, and make sure they’re good and tired so when you finally get them to their room they’re ready to go to sleep and ready to relax. If they have favorite toys put their toys in there with them. Blankets, put their blankets in there with them. Just really cater to them for that time because it will be a little frightening for them,” Steinley said.
Steinley added that using scents like lavender to relax your dogs could be helpful. He also suggested making sure your dogs are microchipped if they have any sort of loud noise fear, so your pets can be returned to your family if they run.
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