Pet resort accepting donations to board dogs as family recovers from deadly 6-vehicle crash

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) – As a family recovers from devastating injuries sustained from a deadly six-vehicle wreck along South Germantown Road two weeks ago, a relative says they need help ensuring their pets are cared for while they heal.

The Southeast Memphis crash on February 28 left one person dead and four others critically injured, including Emma Chapman’s husband and five-year-old son.

Chapman told Action News 5 last week that her son needed surgery to stop a brain bleed.

For Emma Casey, her worst nightmare came true Friday night when her family was involved in a deadly six-car wreck that sent her husband and young son to the hos

A relative says he has since come home after undergoing a craniotomy.

Chapman’s husband remains at Regional One Hospital after suffering multiple broken bones in his leg and a severe head injury.

Work is set to begin over the weekend to make the family’s home handicap-accessible.

The relative told Action News 5 that the Chapman family’s four dogs have a habit of jumping, and that they currently pose a hazard for their five-year-old son as he recovers from brain surgery.

The animals are currently being housed at PetSuites Cordova.

The pet resort, along with local rescue Tails of Hope, generously covered a total of nine nights for the dogs’ stay, but those stays have already been spent, and the recovery period for Chapman’s son and husband is expected to be much longer.

Community members can pay a $86 flat fee to “put a night on the books” for the Chapman family’s dogs.

If you are interested in helping, call PetSuites Cordova at 901-565-5845 and ask to donate to “the Chapman family account.”

There is also a GoFundMe set up for the family to help with other expenses.

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