In one of the hastier decisions in recent years, my wife and I decided to add a new member to the family this past week.
We adopted a 1-year-old cockapoo.
We haven’t had an animal in the house for about a decade, in large part because of my oldest son’s allergies to dog hair and dander. But when we came across this opportunity to adopt a dog, my son, now 11, became the ultimate decisionmaker.
“I’ll take the allergy pills,” my son said. “I’ll get allergy shots.”
I remember being allergic to dogs when I was a kid. Then at age 13, my parents adopted a black Lab puppy, Maggie. I was super allergic, but I couldn’t help but snuggle her. My skin rashes subsided … eventually.
My wife claims that she’d been watching a few pet adoption platforms for a couple of years, all in search of a particular animal. My four kids apparently knew about this search too, and I’m told there was serious talk about a potential Christmas morning present for me. Apparently, my family believes I’m in desperate need of a new companion.
In some ways, I suppose they’re right. My youngest son is now 7, and he is growing more and more independent by the day. Eventually, he probably won’t let me sleep on the floor in his bedroom. Like the other three kids, he’ll eventually stop enjoying all my weird voices and lunatic behavior. What then? I need an animal who will listen to me 24/7 (so long as I’m holding a doggie treat).
As much as I do enjoy a furry friend to harass when my kids are too busy with their own activities, my wife and I also wanted to have a dog in the house for this next challenging phase of parenting. We already have a 13-year-old with some unpredictable mood swings, and the other kids won’t be too far behind with their own teenage angst. A cute doggie (and all its needy nonsense) can cut through the occasional doom and gloom of adolescence.
Back when I was 13 years old, I remember feeling “off” about so many things. I swung wildly between wanting more of a social life and wanting to hide in the basement watching movies and old Norm MacDonald bits from “Saturday Night Live.” I moped! I stared out the window longingly! I never would have admitted to needing a friend in those moments, but I was so glad I had one with Maggie. That dog helped me through so much … just by being around.
So now Team Wilson has a dog that will be around for anyone who needs a little distraction from the outside world. And, fun fact, if we bring little Marley into the outside world, via walks around the neighborhood or rides in the car, we’ve already learned that he’ll bark at virtually anything and anyone who comes near him. Except his new family.
Tyler Wilson is a freelance writer, full-time student and parent to four kids, ages 7-13. He is tired. He can be reached at
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