Crufts: The history of the dog show in pictures

Alice Cullinane

BBC News, West Midlands

Getty Images A woman is wearing a visor over her eyes while holding a sun ray device. She is wearing a white coat and has dark hair. Next to her is English mastiff Buster with white goggles over its eyesGetty Images

The world’s most famous dog show is back, with pooches expected from all over the globe.

Thousands of canines take part in Crufts every March, with owners hoping to win the ultimate title Best in Show, which comes with a cash prize and a trophy.

The show, which is returning to its usual home at the NEC in Birmingham on Thursday, takes place over four days with more than 150,000 visitors expected.

Overseas entries have hit an all time high this year, with nearly 500 dogs from France alone. But how did the show all start?

Getty Images A woman is sitting in the dog kennels wearing a dark coloured coat, a spotted scarf and a black hat. Next to her is a golden retriever that is holding its paw in the air. Getty Images

Named after its founder Charles Cruft, the dog show took place for the first time in 1891 at the Royal Agricultural Hall in Islington, where more than 2,000 dogs were entered.

Mr Cruft was an ambitious man who left college to sell “dog cakes” – food filled with meat, wheat and vegetables – having no desire to join the family jewellery business.

He was soon promoted to a travelling salesman, working with sporting kennels before later managing a terrier dog show in Westminster.

Nearly five decades later, Crufts celebrated its golden jubilee five years early in 1936, after breaking the 10,000 entries mark for the first time.

Despite Mr Cruft dying two years later, his wife took over to ensure the dogs would keep on running with their prize-winning displays.

Getty Images Men and women are standing behind a long wooden table, they are all wearing cards with numbers printed on them. On the table sit a long line of Pekingese dogs.Getty Images

In the 1950s, Crufts became an obedience championship show for the first time, and working sheepdogs were entered, becoming the first crossbreeds to compete.

By this time, the show had moved to a new venue at Olympia and proved to be an immediate success, with 84 breeds entered.

Getty Images A group of men and women are watching dogs standing on concrete ground. Some men and women are wearing paper cards with numbers printed on them around their necks.Getty Images

Two decades later, the show took place with subdued lighting during 1972’s Winter of Discontent, a period of widespread strikes, economic turmoil and regular power cuts.

Its aim was to ensure every visitor could “forget the troubles of the world”, a commentator said.

Getty Images A woman with short dark hair is wearing a black top and holding her dog on a table. There is a large trophy sitting on the table. The woman is wearing lots of medals.Getty Images
Getty Images A man and a woman are wearing dark coloured clothing and sitting in dog booths. The woman is eating a sandwich while a Dalmatian peers over her shoulder. Another Dalmatian is leaning over the man's face while he holds a cup. A third Dalmatian is sitting to the right of the woman and peering at her sandwich.Getty Images

In 1991, Crufts’ centenary show moved venues again, this time to the NEC in Birmingham – the first time the show had moved from London, and where it has stayed ever since.

The show has now been extended to four days to accommodate further increases in the number of dogs and spectators.

Getty Images A dog is sitting on a table covered with a red and white table cloth. The table is filled with brushes, combs and a red box filled with pens and hair accessories. Getty Images

In 2003, the show was attended by 21,000 top pedigree dogs competing for Best in Show prowess.

Getty Images A man is wearing a navy suit and pink tie and is running with his Irish Wolfhound during one of the competitions. Behind him the spectators are sitting but they are blurred as the man runs past them.Getty Images
Getty Images Yorkshire Terriers are sitting on tables with red table cloths. They are having their hair brushed before a show.Getty Images
Getty Images A dog is wearing a red and pink tutu while running on a green pitch. The dog's eyes are wide open and his tongue is sticking out of his mouth. The owner is standing above the dog and is wearing red sparkly leggings and sparkly red shoes.Getty Images
Getty Images A Yorkshire Terrier has brown hair with a red bow at the top of its head. A man with short curly hair and a red jumper is holding the dog in his hands.Getty Images
Getty Images A woman is wearing a blue cardigan and a matching blue skirt. She is holding the lead of her dog, an Australian Shepherd with white fur. She is running along the ground with her dog and spectators are watching her . Getty Images

An Australian shepherd called Viking was crowned best in show at the 2024 show, beating 24,000 dogs from around the world.

Viking, co-owned by Melanie Raymond, John Shaw and Kerry Kirtley, was also the winner of the pastoral group at the show.

Ms Raymond, a third generation dog breeder who lives just three miles from the NEC, said: “We all dream of winning best in show at Crufts.”

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