Hamptons Hidden Gems: Springs Dog Park

Hamptons Hidden Gems: Springs Dog Park

If you need to find me on my days off, come to the Springs Dog Park. I love it here, and this is 100% the “go touch grass” energy you need in your life these days. Plus, it’s got to be the happiest place in the Hamptons.

If you’re looking for the best off-leash dog park in the Hamptons – you’ve found it. This park is perfect for exploring a spacious, scenic environment with your dog in East Hampton. The sprawling 20-acre property has multiple paths and a football-sized cleared area at the end. Open Sunrise to Sunset, 7 days a week, 100% free, all dogs welcome. What more do you need to know? 

The whole place is fenced off, so you don’t need to worry if your dog is a dart-er; they won’t escape. Plus, there are two double-gated entry and exit areas that help keep things calm and orderly. It’s also managed by the East Hampton Parks Department, so it is safe and clean.  

To me, it is a genuinely impressive use of public funding and public space in the Hamptons. Any time of the day and all year – the Springs Dog Park is popping barking.

What’s especially great about this hidden gem in the Hamptons is that there is PLENTY of parking and the park is enormous – all the renters and all their dogs in East Hampton could come and the park would still have room to roam. Just make sure to have a resident or non-resident parking permit. 

People learn each other based on their dogs, and nobody gets mad when your dogs get rambunctious—it’s encouraged. I know I’ve seen walkers sans canine who just enjoy the atmosphere, so don’t feel weird if you come solo. 

Dogs are an instant conversation starter, and it’s really hard to be in a bad mood with all that tail wagging all around. Being a regular at the Springs Dog Park kind of feels like I’m in an exclusive club—or a regular at the bar. When you see somebody else on a dark and stormy day, you will share a knowing nod—real ones come to the dog park even when it’s snowing. 

Turn off Three Mile Harbor (it’s not that deep into Springs) and a quiet winding lane leads you to a secluded paradise for pups that you might not have even known existed. 

The Springs Dog Park is a great example of the year-round community in the Hamptons – friendly and dog-friendly. Come see Frito and me sometime; we don’t bite. 

For more info, click here

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