After Losing Her Dogs, She Got a Sign That Love Never Dies

Last March, I was taken to the hospital, and when I awoke in the emergency room, I was greeted by a doctor saying to me, “You came in determined to die today!”

I remember telling her that I didn’t have time for that because I had two senior dogs at home who needed me. Luckily, I have great neighbors who looked after my two pups, Loki and Winnie, while I was in the hospital for five days.

But after being home for just three days, I had to euthanize Winnie. She was a 14-year-old shepherd mix and, sadly, nothing could
cure her disease.

Then in November, I lost Loki, my 14-year-old Lab mix. He jumped into the car one morning to accompany me on some errands and screamed.

I rushed him to our veterinarian. She took an X-ray, which showed his leg was broken above the knee and there was a tumor growing on it. The only option for this type of break was amputation, and given Loki’s age, he wouldn’t survive the surgery. So I had to make the decision to let him go.

I was mad at God for taking them from me. But then I realized that He could have taken me in March, but didn’t. He let me live, so my voice was the last thing they heard telling them that I love them. I always adopt from shelters, so I also told them: “Send me my next angel when you find one.”

I support the Charlotte County SPCA in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada, and a story popped up on Facebook recently about three dogs that were surrendered. My Loki was a Lab mix from St. Stephen, and so was one of the dogs. Winnie had fear issues when I adopted her, and so did one of the dogs. The best part, one of them was named Angel.

I could feel Winnie and Loki picking her out for me. My friend Davine drove me down to meet her. Two days later, Angel came home with me. Not all angels have wings—some have four paws and a tail. I’m so thankful that all of mine are still looking after me!

Angel expert Sunny Dawn Johnston says…

Sunny Dawn Johnston
Sunny Dawn Johnston

“What a beautiful reminder that love knows no bounds,” says Sunny Dawn Johnson, a global authority on the angelic realm, with a portfolio of 22 books, including popular titles such as Invoking the Archangels, The Love Never Ends, and 365 Days of Angel Prayers. “Mary Beth’s story highlights the powerful connection we share with our pets and how they continue to watch over us. Sometimes, the signs we receive from our beloved animals are as clear as a wagging tail or a soulful gaze from a new companion. Angel’s arrival is a testament to the divine orchestration of love and healing, a gift sent straight from Loki and Winnie. Keep your heart open because our furry friends never stop looking after us, even when they’re no longer physically by our side.” Read more of Sunny’s insightful stories here.

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