I know we talk a lot about the latest designer bags here at Who What Wear, but the prices for designer bags these days are through the roof. Many of the current It bags are $3k and up, so if that’s outside of your handbag budget, I’m here to offer you a slew of alternatives.
I find that summer is the best time of year for affordable bag shopping. This is when the trends typically lean more casual, and wallet-friendly materials like raffia are at the forefront. In fact, some of my favorite bags on the market ring in at under $500. Ultra-affordable brands like Mango and Madewell and moderately priced ones like Staud, Dragon Diffusion, and Reformation are great places to find beautiful summer bags, and I’ve collected all of the best buys in one place for you.
Without further ado, scroll on to shop the chicest under-$500 bags of summer 2024.
Dragon Diffusion
Santa Croce Small Bag
Dragon Diffusion’s beautiful woven bags are appropriate for year-round wear, but they really shine in the summer.
The Mini Shopper Tote in Leather-Trimmed Straw
You can wear this little guy with or without the detachable strap. (And it comes in black and in a bigger size.)
Tommy Bag
It truly doesn’t get more summery than this.
Mini Sling Bag in Raffia
It’s summer—get the green bag.
Havana Small Tote Striped
This perfect little tote is begging to be taken on vacation.
Natural Fiber Sack Bag
The faux-leather details make it look luxe.
Patrizia Crossbody Bag
Unlike most summers, burgundy bags are in right now.
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Large Straw Tote
This simple straw bag is the perfect size.
Small Bou Bag
The shape of this is so good.
Moon Woven Tote Bag
Just the right amount of transparent.
Shoulder Bag With Detachable Handle
I consider olive green to be a neutral.
Legacy Leather Shoulder Bag
This will make whatever you’re wearing look elegant.
Massimo Dutti
Nappa Leather Croissant Bag
This could easily pass as designer.
Tokyo Leather Shoulder Bag
This brand is a minimalist’s dream come true.
Essentials Crescent Mini Crossbody Bag
A red bag is basically an essential at this point.
Loeffler Randall
Bailey Crystal-Embellished Raffia Clutch
Evening raffia.
Ollie Embellished Perforated Leather Shoulder Bag
White perforated leather makes this ultra unique.
Dragon Diffusion
Nantucket Basket Bag
This color is a whole vibe.
Loewe x Paula’s Ibiza
Leather-Trimmed Satin Pouch
Grab it before it’s gone.
Belt-Detail Shoulder Bag
Love the belt detail.
Small Tote
I’ve never wanted to plan a vacation more.
Crochet Top-Handle Bag
I think I like crochet as much as raffia.
Petite Mathilde Bag in Red Gingham Raffia
Of course, Dôen made the perfect summer tote.
Small Shoulder Bag
I love how simple this nylon bag is.
Straw Shoulder Bag in Stripe
Summer stripes.
Green Small Butterfly Pouch Satin Bag
I immediately added this to my cart.
Coming of Age
Everyday Gingham Silk Taffeta Tote
I never tire of gingham.
Half Moon Raffia Top-Handle Bag
The picture of simplicity.
Stella McCartney Kids
Raffia Tote Bag With Sunflowers Embroidery
Not just for kids.
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