Of all the fashion items around, few gain a cult following quite like a great handbag. An excellent coat will certainly work hard in your wardrobe, but few are as instantly recognisable, or leave fashion people hunting them down decades later like a highly coveted bag can.
With a personal obsession with this category of accessory, I pay particular attention to all new releases and runway reveals, especially to the designers with a history of designs inaugurated into the It bag Hall of Fame. One such brand is Prada. Think the Galleria, the Cleo and the Re-Nylon just to name a few. And gracing the latest catwalk and arms of some of the chicest fashion people around is a bag that I believe will be talked about for decades to come.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Currently listed as the Medium Leather Handbag, the bag in question is one that feels incredibly relevant for 2025, and beyond. The east-west shape has made a return into the handbag space in recent months, reinventing iconic styles like the Margaux and the Andiamo just to name a few. It’s an innately elegant silhouette, with an extended oblong shape that tucks neatly under the arm. Plus, that touch of extra space makes this bag both practical and chic.
Few designers are able to achieve the balance of being recognisable and distinct yet understated, but Prada effortlessly achieves it here with a simplistic body of crinkled-looking leather, made eye-catching with simple seam details and a belted finish. The well-loved feel of the softened leather along with the 90’s style thin belt bring a vintage look to the piece, ensuring it feels like a treasured heirloom of Prada’s designs for years to come.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
The colour range is another aspect that has me convinced that this is a bag well be spotting on stylish arms for many years to come. There are eight distinct shades as well as a suede offering to entice all, with classic neutrals as well as softened green and blues that make deciding on a colour even harder.
Ready to explore Prada’s next It bag? Scroll on.
Shop the Prada Belted East West Bag
Medium Leather Handbag
I’m a dedicated minimalist, but this green has seriously piqued my interest.
Medium Leather Handbag
Whatever this shade of blue is, I want everything I own to be this colour.
Medium Leather Handbag
I’d never thought of a grey bag being highly chic before, now that’s all changed.
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